A congressional task force hopes to interview doctors who were at the Dallas hospital where President John F. Kennedy was ...
A US Secret Service agent who leapt on to John F Kennedy's limousine as it came under fire in Dallas, and was pictured in ...
A SELF-PROCLAIMED hitman who alleges he shot John F Kennedy on covert CIA orders has warned the Trump files still don’t ...
The Secret Service agent who leapt onto the back of President John F. Kennedy's limousine after the president was shot has ...
THE brave Secret Service agent who leapt onto John F Kennedy’s limousine after he was assassinated has died at the age of 93. Clint Hill passed away peacefully at his home in California next ...
Fla., says a congressional task force examining the assassination of President John F. Kennedy will visit Dallas.
Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who ran into the line of fire to shield President John F. Kennedy and the first lady in ...
Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent who jumped onto the back of a limousine carrying President John F. Kennedy after he was ...
The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is paying tribute to Clint Hill, the secret service agent who famously ...
27, JFK touched down in Northern California and ... No one knew it, but this was Kennedy’s final California tour before Dallas. Weeks later, an assassin’s bullet would thrust the nation ...
The committee is releasing new information about the shooting.
JFK visited Galway in June 1963 as part of his historic trip to Ireland - and just five months later he was assassinated in ...