Unsafe levels of toxic heavy metals have been found in store-bought and homemade baby food. Learn how to avoid these in your baby's foods and snacks.
Beginning this year, the test results must be publicly available on their websites for products made this year and beyond.
The Food and Drug Administration has proposed limits on heavy metals for certain baby foods. But while all humans are exposed to some heavy metals, the level of exposure—and the age at which the ...
These heavy metals have been linked to cancer, chronic disease and neurotoxic effects, but it's the damage that can be done to a developing child's brain that makes baby food toxicity so devastating.
These heavy metals have been linked to cancer, chronic disease and neurotoxic effects, but it's the damage that can be done to a developing child's brain that makes baby food toxicity so devastating.
These heavy metals have been linked to cancer, chronic disease and neurotoxic effects, but it's the damage that can be done to a developing child's brain that makes baby food toxicity so devastating.
These heavy metals have been linked to cancer, chronic disease and neurotoxic effects, but it’s the damage that can be done to a developing child’s brain that makes baby food toxicity so devastating.