The most powerful character of Avengers who has the power of dark hold and can possess cosmic powers. The second Most ...
Miles Morales and Black Panther went from working together to solve Miles’ vampirism to having a battle to the death. All ...
Black Panther is a solid choice in ... Battle as Super Heroes and Super Villains with incredible abilities and combine your powers to bring unexpected fun to the battlefield in a matter of seconds.
Wakanda has a new Champion. Marvel’s New Champions #1 by writer Steve Foxe (X-Men ’97) and artists Ivan Fiorelli (Fantastic Four) and Ig Guara (Sensational She-Hulk) asks the question: Who are the New ...
Today, we're examining Ultimate Black Panther #12, hitting stores on Wednesday ... Cobbled together from the code that powers the Bleeding Cool comment section and trained on millions of message ...