90年代JDMスポーツカーの聖地に潜入! 今回はちょっと趣向を変えて、日本が誇る JDM(Japanese Domestic Market) の世界へ。GT-Rをはじめとする90年代国産スポーツカーをズラリ揃える、千葉県野田市「トップランク クラシック スペシャリティーズ」 に中年ふたりが突撃! 広大な敷地に足を踏み入れた瞬間、そこにはステージア ...
As Toyota owns the Lexus brand, it's not too surprising that some U.S. Lexus models are rebadged Toyota Altezzas.
Toyota is a Japanese automaker founded in 1937 that has developed a reputation for reliability across a multitude of segments ...
Originally scheduled to launch on March 26, JDM: Japanese Drift Master has been delayed until May 21. Because quality is a ...
Developer Gaming Factory has announced that upcoming simcade racer JDM: Japanese Drift Master has been delayed by a couple of ...
Getting your first car is a rite of passage for most people. Having the kind of freedom that a car gives you at a young age ...
American car buyers will eventually shell out more for new wheels as a result of the 25% tariffs on imports from Mexico and ...