An Arduino project to log GPS data to a MicroSD using the tiny XIAO ESP32-C3. The components are small and light enough to fit around a cat collar! Now we know where the cat runs around at night :-) ...
Do you have a cat who will go out and roam for hours on end? Cats tend to be independent explorers, and are said to roam on average between 40 to 200 metres from home, with male cats roaming ...
See comments within file for added notes. This was a project designed to track my cat near my house, via collar with gps transmitter. SIRF III Satellite chip with 1200 BAUD serial output was connected ...
One of the most convenient things about having cats is their independent lifestyle: most are happy to enjoy themselves outside all day, only coming back home when it’s time for dinner and a nap.
When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more Ever since I found my cat Osito in my backyard a decade ago, I've given him the opportunity to return ...