We have a 60-DAY FREE RETURN policy in the US. If a specific lens type does not help you, you can return it and try other lenses. Orders returned out of the granted period will not be accepted ...
This color blind corrective glasses you can feel the effect of color enhancement by seeing vivid scene. This Colorblind glasses are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use though it works with ...
Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of vision loss, affecting millions worldwide, especially those over 60.
Some people see the world differently. Literally. It's a phenomenon called color blindness. It's not just people who can' see color at all. Some people just can't see as many colors as the rest of us.
Soliddd claims these are “the first true vision correction ... the necessary color correction, and beams the final view to the internal display units. The SolidddVision glasses are currently ...