We have a 60-DAY FREE RETURN policy in the US. If a specific lens type does not help you, you can return it and try other lenses. Orders returned out of the granted period will not be accepted ...
Tvindkirdod Colorblind glasses for multiple uses In addition to correcting color blindness, color blind glasses also have the function of preventing ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves.
The glasses do not work for everyone and they don't completely correct the skewed ratio that the color blind see. They do help make the world more vibrant. One pair at a time.
This is a tool for simulating and/or correcting for the main three types of colour blindness, protanopia, deuteranopia, and tritanopia. The first two of these, known collectively as red-green colour ...
This project provides a MATLAB implementation for simulating color blindness and applying daltonization to improve color perception for color-deficient individuals. The tool supports three types of ...
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