Gas is a common condition that usually occurs when you eat high-fibre foods and drink carbonated beverages However in certain ...
If you're on a mission to prioritize your health this year, one key area to focus on is your gut health. A healthy gut is key ...
Abdominal bloating and gas are among the most common digestive ... Possible culprits for excess abdominal fat include cigarette smoking and chronic alcohol consumption. Smoking affects where ...
Bloating is a feeling of fullness or swelling that can happen after eating due to gas build-up. You can prevent bloating ...
Smelly farts can result from multiple factors, but they're typically due to what you eat. Some instances can also indicate a ...
Asparagus contains prebiotics, which are food for the healthy bacteria in your gut. These help promote a healthy gut ...
Functional abdominal pain is usually recurring or chronic. The pain can be intense and debilitating ... constipation or both), gas and bloating. Functional abdominal pain can also occur even if no ...
The best probiotics available over the counter can help reduce the symptoms and causes of bloating, gas and reduce stomach acid. They can also be extremely beneficial if you are trying to lose weight.
It helps soothe the stomach, relax the digestive ... helps in digestion and prevent bloating. Cumin is known for its ability to promote digestion by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.
But, a significant shift in your diet might leave you with some much-maligned digestive woe, including bloating, gas, heartburn, and an upset stomach. Thankfully, being more intentional about the food ...