Based in London, Alan is Europe & Middle East correspondent at Air Transport World. A daily newspaper journalist in the UK and Middle East for 15 years, he then joined the UK's most successful ...
You need to detect and track a high-speed drone of size 1m (L) x 0.5m (W) flying towards you at speeds between 50 - 75 km/hr. The drone starts from a distance of 2500m at an altitude of 1000m, and you ...
The Trishakti Dron-A-Thon 2024, a premier exhibition showcasing the latest innovations in drone technology, is set to take ...
Textron Systems, perusahaan Amerika yang berspesialisasi dalam teknologi pertahanan dan penerbangan, secara resmi memperkenalkan keluarga drone laut baru mereka yang disebut TSUNAMI.
The new turret by Dron ZP, equipped with a 12.7mm machine gun and neural networks, aims to secure Ukrainian skies against enemy drones.
Israel mengerahkan serangan dron dan bertempur dengan militan Palestina di Jenin, setelah melancarkan operasi militer besar-besaran di wilayah pendudukan Tepi Barat. Sejauh ini delapan warga ...
Un periodista ruso murió a causa de un dron "kamikaze" ucraniano cuando circulaba por una carretera en el este de Ucrania, ocupada por Rusia, informó el sábado el di... Already a Barron's ...
Dhanashri Mandhani CEO of agri-tech platform Salam Kisan on Wednesday said her startup has signed an MoU with Maharashtra government for expanding its drone m ...