attractive flowering hedges will produce seasonal blooms, such as forsythia or choisya. What's more, some hedging options are renowned for producing a heady fragrance, creating a sensory and ...
Pink flowering trees create a focal point in the garden, offering outstanding color and eye-catching blooms. These trees also ...
They provide striking architecture in the landscape and gorgeous color throughout the year, from yellow winter blooms to ...
For those gardeners who want a stunning arrangement of flowers in their garden but lack green fingers, an expert has shared ...
If needed, extensive pruning should be done to spring-flowering trees and shrubs soon after they finish flowering. Prune ...
this low-growing plant has delicate flowers that flutter on long stems above silvery or variegated leaves. The plants form attractive clumps of ivy, lance, or heart-shaped foliage. There are ...
Camellias sometimes experience infestations of an insect called tea scale; several products are available to treat this ...
Plants that can be pruned now include most hedges, shrubs and shade trees, and summer-flowering trees and shrubs such as crape myrtle, oleander, vitex, althea and abelia. Walk around your ...