Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages is a useful problem-solving skill. The data can be more easily ordered by size when written in the same format. Calculations often give a ...
How can you tell which fraction is bigger or smaller without converting them to decimals? One way is to ... you can multiply both fractions by 15, the least common multiple of 3 and 5.
decimals stock illustrations Measure scale, horizontal meter from 0 to 160 cm, markup for... Measure scale, horizontal meter from 0 to 160 cm, markup for ruler. Measuring tool, metric size indicators, ...
This ordering decimals worksheet contains questions which require students to think about the relative sizes of decimals and the order that they would be written on a number line. The worksheet also ...
Explore different representations for fractions including improper fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percentages. Additionally, there are length, area, region, and set models. Adjust numerators ...
This library is a small wrapper around PHP's BCMath extension. BCMath implements arbitrary precision mathematics, it's usage is not very comfortable. This library aims to implement an easy to use ...
At Emma Elementary School, teacher Heather Roy is all about showing her students the money. Her students get to roll in the ...
The game is played by navigating Okta from top to bottom — adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing as you go! Earn 1, 2, or 3 stars by completing various mazes involving integers, fractions, ...
This PowerPoint is particularly ideal for Key Stage 3 students who are building their confidence in working with fractions. By using this resource, students will be better prepared to tackle fraction ...