Below is a list of resources helpful in completing the lab assignments for CHEM 205. If you need help in using these resources, please contact the chemistry librarian. In your lab, you are asked to ...
Welcome to the General Chemistry Lecture Demonstration website. Here you will be provided with procedures to create and explain the demostrations available from the General Chemistry Staff. This ...
The “weed-out” class –– a rigorous course designed to filter out students who may lack the know-how to continue in a degree ...
Authors are encouraged to identify areas in the field where further developments are imminent or of urgent need, and any areas (such as techniques) that may be of significance to the polymer chemistry ...
Despite this, students struggle to apply IMFs to real phenomena in their world. Here we describe a first-semester general chemistry laboratory in which students functionalize the surface of glass ...
and the Department of Chemistry have created a Chemistry Readiness Program for students planning to enroll in CH301, the introductory general chemistry course for STEM and health professions students.
It is with excitement and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma. We invite you to accept the challenge of becoming an agent for ...
A selection of recent news from C&EN, the world's most comprehensive and authoritative source of news about chemistry and related fields.
The chemistry major requires 30 credits of upper-division chemistry coursework, including courses in general, organic, physical and analytical/instrumental chemistry, as well as an introductory ...