Our average of how long a generator ran, over various loads, on a 250-gallon propane tank for stationary models. The Generac 7224 is part of the Generators test program at Consumer Reports.
Measured at 23 and 50 feet from the generator. We recommend hearing protection for standing close by the unit while it's running. The Generac 7031 is part of the Generators test program at ...
Amid the United States experiencing an increasing number of power outages, Generac Power Systems introduced its most powerful ...
To be clear, the engine powering the Generac generator is essentially the same Yanmar 435cc air-cooled direct injection source powering this one. The Yanmar does have a considerably smaller 3.4 ...
With the introduction of this new design, Generac expands its line of the most comprehensive, reliable and efficient range of ...
It also boasts a direct sales channel to various individual customers. Generac broadly classifies ... business includes automatic standby generators (that run mainly on natural gas and liquid ...
With the introduction of this new design, Generac expands its line of the most comprehensive, reliable and efficient range of air-cooled home standby generators, with models ranging from 10 to 28kW.