or call 01273 487 366 or visit www.wnas.org.uk It is an ... symptoms. But HRT has been implicated in weight gains of as much as 18lb, so it is worth considering alternatives.
So are there any natural alternatives for women who either can’t undertake, or don’t want to undertake, HRT? There are hundreds of products on the market claiming to help alleviate the ...
However, some women find they are unable to tolerate HRT due to side-effects. Fortunately, natural alternatives do exist. There is no doubt that diet and appropriate nutritional supplements can ...
"We are not suggesting that CBT is an alternative to HRT. It's not an either/or, and we have worked through the guidelines ...
Women experiencing vaginal dryness as a result of the menopause can now buy a treatment over the counter in the UK. Estradiol tablets, sold under the brand name Gina10, were previously offered on ...
The Daisy Networkdaisynetwork.org.uk Premature menopauseThe Daisy Network Premature Menopause Support Group is a registered charity for women who have experienced a premature menopause.