These care tips for a potted hibiscus in winter will help you keep it healthy indoors until spring. Hibiscus are amazing, high flower-power shrubs that grow easily in containers and can provide years ...
Hardy hibiscus are woody and able to withstand temperatures as low as -30°F. Branches and foliage die back after a hard frost ...
Famous for its large, showy flowers in many colors, the hardy hibiscus can grow 3 to 7 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet wide. Despite the name, it has a delicate appearance. The Texas Cooperative Extension ...
So, I need a plant that tolerates wet conditions. After some research, I chose a Luna Red Hardy Hibiscus. I learned that hardy hibiscus are native to marshes and swamps, tolerate heat and humidity ...
Nature Hills Nursery is offering a new cold-hardy hibiscus, Miss Jilene. The hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) is available for national distribution in spring 2011 and is available exclusively from ...