Scarlet fever is an illness that can happen in kids, usually 5–15 years old, who also have strep throat or strep skin infections. The strep bacteria make a toxin (poison) that causes a bright red, ...
The scarlet fever page saw views leap by a third to 1.9million – making it the site’s tenth most visited. The infection mostly affects young children and symptoms include a rash which looks ...
When Scarlet Fever strikes, characterized by its rash, itch, and sore throat, we rush into a frenzy to try anything to stop it. This frenzy has become more common as there was a huge increase in ...
The rash of scarlet fever often begins with small spots on the body which then spread to the neck, arms and legs. It is often sandpaper-like to touch, but is not itchy. Your child may also have a ...
The rash of scarlet fever often begins with small spots on the body which then spread to the neck, arms and legs. It is often sand paper-like to touch but is not itchy. a red tongue (strawberry ...
The skin of his torso is red and feels very dry – you notice that at the top of the chest, the rash is darker in the creases of his neck. 1. What is the likely diagnosis? This is a classic case of ...