Parasites attack ladybird pupae and adults. You can investigate this if you take part in the UK Ladybird Parasite Survey. When aphid (greenfly) populations are high, they supply ample food for ...
Scientists at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and University of Cambridge are working together to better understand the natural enemies that attack ladybirds. They would like your help.
Ladybirds have been spotted in households up and down the UK this week, with the loveable little insects suddenly being found on windowsills and in rooms just days after the big chill ended.
If you find that your bug hotel doesn't get any guests this winter, try a different location next year. All species of ladybird in the UK hibernate. Insect hibernation is called diapause. Ladybirds do ...
Ladybirds have been making surprise appearances in homes across the UK, popping up on windowsills and in rooms as the recent cold snap gives way to slightly warmer weather. The sudden increase in ...
The 22-spot ladybird is one of three yellow ladybirds in the UK. Look for it in grassland ... during which the larva undergoes a series of moults; the pupa, in which the larva develops into an adult; ...
Emma Samms told her Twitter followers the group name for ladybirds should be a "loveliness" People across England and Wales say their homes and buildings are being swarmed by ladybirds.
The 14-spot ladybird is one of three yellow ladybirds in the UK. Look for it in grassland ... during which the larva undergoes a series of moults; the pupa, in which the larva develops into an adult; ...