This plant, named Nepenthes pongoides, belongs to the largest known pitcher plants and may be at risk of extinction.
Carnivorous plants are truly fascinating. When we think about carnivores, we generally think about animals, but the truth is that plants can actually consume animals as well! The most well-known ...
Discovered in the ultramafic mountains in central Sabah, the species was named for the orangutan, due to its hairs’ striking resemblance to the great ape’s long, dark, rusty-red hair.
A team of botanists at Malaysia's Sabah Forestry Department's Forest Research Centre, working with a pair of colleagues from Australia, has identified a new species of giant pitcher plant growing ...
A newly described species of pitcher plant, one of the largest and furriest ever found, has been identified on a wild mountain in Borneo, Malaysia. The underside of the leaves of Nepenthes ...