Some of the security problem can be fixed ... that these were HTTP packets that were sent through his cable modem, and the mystery IP was a DigitalOcean VM. The culprit was a compromised cable ...
DOCSIS stands for data over cable service interface specifications, the key there being "cable service." It's the standard that defines how your modem does its job relaying cable internet signals ...
The MODAF ontological data exchange mechanism (MODEM) is an evolution of the M3, based on the ‘international defence enterprise architecture specification’ (IDEAS) foundation model. It contains all ...
Curry started looking into the security of Cox modems in 2021, after his home modem was hacked. At the time, the telecoms firm replaced his compromised device with a new one before he was able to ...
Full duplex modem for the Windsor 500 and Windsor 700 control panels. PC variant can receive information from a SmartDial Super or from a Windsor panel modem. Self adjusting for speed and transmission ...