The evolution of commercial ESS technologies has transformed energy management strategies for businesses worldwide ...
GKN Aerospace is leading a UK industry consortium called ASCEND ( A erospace and A utomotive S upply C hain E nabled D ...
In the future, hybrid power grids will incorporate sections with alternating and direct current lines. The partners in the InterSCADA EU project are developing a modular SCADA platform intended to ...
Climate technology company PHNXX has raised $1.8 million in seed funding to expand its modular grid-in-a-box solution throughout the Asia Pacific. The Victorian startup has also secured a strategic ...
Italy's power grid operator Terna SpA plans to invest over $25 billion in the next ten years to integrate renewable energy ...
Abstract: This article proposes the use of a modular multilevel converter (MMC ... different arms is a reported challenge that can send unbalanced power into the AC grid. The unequal power generation ...
With Texas aiming to become both a global data center hub and a leader in next-generation nuclear energy, Last Energy’s ...