[Simone] was trying to reverse-engineer the Bluetooth protocol of his Nike+ Fuelband and made some surprising discoveries. [Simone] found that the authentication system of the Fuelband can be ...
Nike+ Hacked To Track Tweets Rather Than Steps The Nike Fuelband makes exercise analytics easy, so one firm repurposed it to track social media engagement instead.
From the announcement: Designed to be worn throughout the day, the ergonomic, user-friendly NIKE+ FuelBand uses accelerometry to provide information about different activities through movement of ...
Ben Fry Makes Your Sweaty FuelBand Runs Look Gorgeous Nike FuelBand is giving its 1 million users individual activity portraits for last year, courtesy of a data viz from Fathom Information Design.
The retro-chic fitness-tracking Nike+ FuelBand looks like an understated gadget, and in fact, it is. The data it collects is very limited, making it little more than a glorified pedometer.