The purpose of piano-chart is to allow developers to include visual representation of musical notes on a piano keyboard. See it "in action" at All you need to do to display your notes on ...
Piano keyboards act as a good music system to explore different tunes and sounds, and even make tracks on them. They are also a good and more inexpensive option for people who can’t afford a piano.
Open any MIDI-File and Midiano shows you the notes as falling bars over a piano as well as the corresponding sheet music. Connect a MIDI-Keyboard to get instant feedback if you hit the correct notes.
Engaging this feature separates the keyboard into two identical keyboards with the same notes and octave. This allows you to play along with your piano teacher so they can walk you through chords, ...
Today, the keyboard is most closely associated with the acoustic piano and the electronic keyboards inspired by it, which share the essential feature of being discrete: Notes are defined temporally by ...