Red bell peppers are no less than a superfood, and are loved for their mildly sweet taste and crunch. But, they are slightly ...
To grow peppers from seed requires patience. Depending on their environment, it generally takes around five months to grow ...
Start pepper from seeds indoors about eight weeks before planting outside ... so while you may enjoy the challenge of growing big bell peppers, planting some smaller sweet peppers will result in a ...
Growing chili peppers is an annual pastime for millions ... You can start planting as early as January and the window to sow plant chili pepper seeds runs through until the end of March.
Adding a jalapeño pepper plant to your kitchen garden is a perfect way ... Loosen the soil to ensure good aeration, helping the roots grow freely. Use seed trays or small pots filled with ...
Aubergines, chillies and sweet peppers ... from seed is foolproof. All three of these delicious crops are grown in the same way and there are lots of great varieties to choose from. Grow plants ...
Tomatoes, peppers, beans and peas are good choices for seed saving. They have flowers that are self-pollinating and seeds that require little or no special treatment before storage. Seeds from ...
If you are planting the seeds in plastic planting ... but especially so with peppers. Whiteflies, thrips and aphids like to attack pepper plants. You can respond with lady beetles (ladybugs ...
Astronauts harvest pepper plants at the International Space Station. They made space tacos using the first peppers cultivated in space. The peppers took four months to grow and will be sent to ...