"""Return the cube of the input number.""" cube_num = num**3 # Could also use pow(num, 3) return cube_num print(f"0 cubed is {cube(0)}") print(f"2 cubed is {cube(2)}") ...
Since you want to be able to simulate dice with different numbers of sides, a good name for the value to use would be ‘sides’. Python uses the statement def to name a function.
It's probably been a while since you read about using functions. Read about it again if you need to. In this tutorial we'll learn to define a print_box function that prints text in a box. We can write ...
[153Armstrong] did a short post on how easy it is to generate waveforms using Python. We agree it is simple, but actually, it isn’t so much Python per se, it is some pretty cool libraries ...
You must be comfortable with Python programming. This includes basic control structures in Python: conditional branches, for loops and recursion; functions: defining and calling functions, and ...