A burning or tingling sensation around the scapula. Pain with movement increases when moving the shoulder or arm. Radiating pain that extends to the neck, arm, or back. Laryngitis: Symptoms ...
A 51-year-old Saudi man presented to us with a 4-week history of right shoulder and chest pain radiating to the back. He also had distal and proximal muscle weakness of the right upper limb. He is a ...
A 54-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 4-week history of right shoulder pain radiating down his arm, with some associated sensory loss. Further questioning and examination in ...
Hershfield advises seeking medical care immediately if you experience shoulder pain in combination with any of the following red flags: chest pain, nausea, vomiting, fever; a trauma, such as a fall or ...
RESULTS Items showing associations with radiating neck pain in both analyses were sex, age, body mass index, smoking, duration of work with a hand above shoulder level, mental stress, and other ...