An effective way in which to address this situation is to create a site safety orientation program, designed to create an appropriate level of knowledge among all workers, regardless of prior ...
This module provides in introduction to preventing slips, trips, and falls in the work environment. Special emphasis is placed on recognizing, evaluating and controlling slip, trip, and fall hazards ...
The red phones outside of the elevators and the phones inside elevator cars have a direct line to Michigan Tech Public Safety and Police Services. In the Event of a Fire or Fire Alarm In the event of ...
Attire must not present any potential health and safety risk to the patients, families or staff. Clothing must be neat, clean and presentable at all times. Hemlines of dresses, skirts and shorts ...
Sexuality and sexual orientation is about who someone feels physically and ... Children may also be experiencing abuse or neglect at home, and not feel safe to come out. Adults outside the child's ...
NSO covers important topics such as student life, academics and course registration, safety and wellbeing. During your orientation you will meet your new classmates, learn about your college and ...
These tips are aimed at ensuring a smooth and safe transition to the Orientation Camps across the country. The NYSC emphasised several crucial points to guide the PCMs: Avoid Night Travel ...