It fell short ... War Harriet Tubman worked for the Union as a cook, a nurse, and even a spy. After the war she settled in Auburn, New York, where she would spend the rest of her long life.
Harriet Tubman has been known by her many names and roles—Araminta Ross (her birth name), Moses (a nickname), conductor, daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt. All encompass the intersecting identities ...
HARRIET TUBMAN, BORN INTO SLAVERY IN DORCHESTER COUNTY ... IN DORCHESTE A driving tour celebrates the life and legacy of one of the Eastern Shore's most famous former residents.A scenic drive ...
Harriet Tubman escaped from brutal slave owners in 1849 and risked her life to help bring many more enslaved Americans to freedom via the Underground Railroad; this park a testament to her remarkable ...
Tubman travelled 90 miles ... a Union army from the American Civil War Harriet’s childhood head injury continued to cause her pain throughout her life. To address what she described as ...
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