Looking for Spain quiz questions to test your knowledge of this amazing European country? This Spanish quiz covers geography, art, language and more! If you love visiting Spain as much as I do, no ...
August sees at least 20,000 people on the streets of Buñol, in Spain, to participate in a giant tomato fight, 'La Tomatina'. The hour-long pelting session attracts enthusiastic participants from ...
Aserejé, from the Spanish rendition of the rap lyric 'I said a-hey', was a hit for Las Ketchup. But where did the female trio find inspiration for the name of their group? A.They allegedly like ...
This proficiency exam can be taken once by new students with previous experience in French, German, Latin or Spanish. Prior meeting with a departmental advisor is required. There is a $100 fee for the ...
Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.
will need to complete the Spanish Placement Test. If you have not completed this test, you will be unable to register for SP 101. Once completed, tests will be scored automatically. Beginning the day ...
The Roman emperors were once the most famous people in the world, ruling over an empire that stretched between what are now ...