Others might notice their symptoms begin slowly and worsen over time. Many women with IBS also have worse symptoms during their period. Editor's Note: This article focuses on people who were born ...
Greater pain, more hyper vigilance or attention to the bowel, and these are the kinds of things that people with IBS experience. Probably over many years they become conditioned to activate ...
In Western countries, IBS seems to affect women twice as often as men. IBS is very common, occurring in up to 15 percent of the United States population. Most people with IBS develop their first ...
Stephanie: We know it affects more women than men;about twice as many women. Some women have more IBS symptoms at the beginning of their period each cycle, due to hormonal changes. IBS with ...
Balistreri We now understand that this disorder may affect one percent of the population, over two million individuals ... irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Symptoms that are relieved by a gluten ...