Dr. Justice Chandradasa Nanayakkara The word Ahimsa, derived from Sanskrit, means non-harm or non-injury and is often ...
The word “Ahimsa,” derived from Sanskrit, means non-harm or non-injury and is often translated into English as non-violence. ...
There was, as yet, in China no official state cult of Confucius, no Buddhism, and no organized religious Daoism. The beliefs of Korea and Japan at that early period are largely lost in an unrecorded ...
Through a series of edicts carved in stone and placed throughout the empire, Ashoka proclaimed to his people the importance of Buddhist values and his beliefs about how his people should act.
The word “Ahimsa,” derived from Sanskrit, means non-harm or non-injury and is often translated into English as non-violence. The dictionary defines ...
Zen Buddhism, in part, is the practice of meditation ... deescalating potential problems. By adopting Zen principles, employees can enhance productivity, make better decisions and possess ...