Lower extremity venous duplex examinations are performed with a linear array transducer using frequencies of 9 to 12 MHz. These exams require evaluation with grayscale, color flow, and pulsed-wave ...
The risk of radiation-induced and/or contrast-induced toxicity makes fluoroscopy a less attractive venous imaging modality. Duplex ultrasonography (DU) includes noninvasive (nontoxic) visualization of ...
Venous duplex imaging demonstrated a saccular aneurysm originating from the posterior wall of the right popliteal vein. In light of the long-term risk of potentially life-threatening pulmonary ...
In addition to standard carotid duplex and venous duplex testing, here we do arterial duplex imaging, visceral duplex, aortic duplex and aortic duplex after endovascular aneurysm repair—services that ...
Your doctor may also order a venous duplex ultrasound, which uses high frequency sound waves to check the blood flow in your legs and to help determine a treatment. Venous ulcers can be difficult to ...
This report describes a case of an asymptomatic internal jugular vein aneurysm that presented as an enlarging mass in the neck. Diagnosis was established with duplex ultrasonography and venography.
He lectures across the country on topics that include venous thromboembolism, anticoagulation and venous duplex imaging. He earned his M.D. degree from the University of Southern California. He ...
Right sided cardiac chambers were dilated. Contrast-enhanced CT revealed abdominopelvic venous varices involving the bilateral gonadal veins, bilateral iliac veins (common, internal and external), IVC ...