最大1080p/60Hzの2画面出力に対応したUSB - HDMI変換アダプタ「映像出力がないUSBでも3画面にできるHDMI変換アダプタ」(型番:UBHM24SSL)がサンコーから発売された。
Here is a table listing HDMI to USB/UVC adapters that are known to work or not work with MixEffect's USB View. known to work. ⭕️ need to be tested and verified. does not work. See notes for more ...
HDMI 1.4 is good enough for 1080p SDR equipment ... HDMI cables are all meant to be Type-A to Type-A, with adapters used to change the plug on the end between types. Cables with different plugs ...