PAROL6 is a high-performance 3D-printed desktop robotic arm. The design approach of PAROL6 was to be similar to industrial robots in terms of mechanical design, control software, and usability.
KindDesigns, a Miami-Dade tech start up, debuts a cutting-edge seawall design. Netflix movie hits huge 15 million views in ...
That’s the idea behind MobiPrint, a mobile 3D printing robot developed by Daniel Campos Zamora at the University of Washington. This innovative device autonomously navigates a room, printing ...
Entrepreneur and engineer Joel Gibbard, MBE is using his passion for robotics to build bionic arms, turning disabilities into superpowers. After learning about 3D printing and robotics in school ...
Julian Ware, UK & Ireland Sales Manager for ABB Robotics explains how robotic 3D printing is increasingly finding favour in low-volume, specialised applications. Prototypes remain an important area of ...
The German Red Cross is using the robot-assisted 3D printing process with sustainable building materials to construct one of its buildings.
Charles R. Goulding and Preeti Sulibhavi look at the incredible developments in 3D printing and robotics that have taken place in Japan. Japan is a highly developed free-market economy. It is the ...