ABMとはAccount Based Marketing(アカウント・ベースド・マーケティング)の略である 主にBtoB向けのマーケティング手法であり、特定の価値あるアカウント(企業・団体)に対して、カスタマイズされた戦略的なマーケティング活動を行う その結果として売上の増加 ...
アカウント・ベースド・マーケティングとは 「アカウント・ベースド・マーケティング(Account-Based Marketing:ABM)」とは、大口顧客など対象を特定の企業(アカウント)に絞って個別アプローチするBtoBのマーケティング手法です。ABMを理解するには、広くリードを ...
A well-executed account-based marketing campaign gives you an edge over the competition. With deep insights into the needs and pain points of key decisions-makers at your target accounts, you're able ...
Account-based marketing (ABM) is a strategic approach that focuses on identifying and engaging specific high-value accounts, treating each as a unique market. In the food industry, ABM enables ...
A targeted, account-based marketing approach is key in this case. Account-based marketing approaches generate higher ROI: Account-based marketing approaches had the highest ROI, according to 97% of ...
How is developing personas relevant in an account-based marketing approach? How does one go about creating personas and what next steps in planning does it impact? Developing personas is highly ...
With the rise of data-driven strategies, marketing and sales intelligence has become ever more important when it comes to understanding market dynamics and customer intent. Our buyer’s guide content ...
Many B2B marketers may already feel overwhelmed by the proliferation of marketing technology vendors and applications. But account-based marketing (ABM) platforms with strong capabilities for account ...
You’re staring at a screen full of metrics after your latest account-based marketing campaign and something doesn’t feel ...
In the complex world of the mining industry, where fluctuating market demands and operational challenges persist, the role and importance of robust marketing and sales intelligence cannot be ...
In the truly global and ever-evolving power sector, the need for and importance of robust marketing and sales intelligence cannot be overstated. As companies vie for a competitive edge, the demand for ...