[ii] Students will use these strategies from the SERP Institute after reading to organize and distill their understanding. Active reading takes more time. Make sure to leave enough time for students ...
Before you can improve your active reading skills, you need to know where you stand. You can use a self-assessment tool, such as the SQ3R method, to evaluate how well you read and comprehend a text.
At the college level, effective reading means knowing something well enough to be able to explain it to someone else. Using these strategies can improve your performance in coursework and help you ...
What is considered an Active Learning Strategy? An active learning strategy is any type of activity during class (face-to-face, online, or outside of class) that engages learners in deep thought about ...
While the think-pair-share template remains a trusted staple, the repertoire of active learning strategies is endless. Below are some examples of in-class activities that can be customized across ...
reading/writing, or kinesthetic. Knowing your learners will help you tailor your active learning strategies to their strengths and interests, and avoid frustration or boredom. Adapting active ...
One of the primary missions of any educational institution is to produce graduates who are literate. The ability to derive meaning from print is central to the definition of literacy. Many people ...