That was easy but didn't make much difference as I already had a good number of stop signs in the dataset. After augmentation, I ended up with 6,180 reasonable quality images in 12 categories. Adding ...
TSR uses the data that comes from the navigation system in order to provide information even when the camera is not able to detect the traffic signs that are present on the road. Some examples of ...
According to the Highway Traffic Act and the City of St. John's Speed Limit Bylaw, the speed limit on all residential streets in the City of St. John's is 50 km per hour unless otherwise posted. Why ...
This project is a traffic signs detection and classification system on videos using OpenCV. The detection phase uses Image Processing techniques that create contours on each video frame and find all ...
A visual-based traffic sign recognition system can be implemented on the automobile with an aim of detecting and recognizing all emerging traffic signs. The same would be displayed to the driver with ...