Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a social simulation released by Nintendo in 2012. It was originally Japan-exclusive before being released worldwide the following year. Similar to the other entries in ...
NOTE: The Happy Home Designer core will be handled through LeafEdit-Core and an implementation inside LeafEdit will be made instead. That means, this project there is basically cancelled / moved.
Much of the cast of the original Animal Crossing returns, including animals of all shapes and personality types: K.K. Slider, Tom Nook, Blathers, Mr. Resetti and more. There are also a number of ...
Het is winter! Trek je winteroutfit aan, ren door de sneeuw met andere eilandbewoners en bouw een grote sneeuwpop. Of ontdek en vang dieren die alleen in dit seizoen tevoorschijn komen. Voordat je het ...
Animal Crossing: New Horizons may not be a new game, but there are still plenty of players who will find it useful to know what’s happening and when throughout the year. It’s especially handy knowing ...
Nintendo (OTCPK:NTDOF) on Monday launched a one-time paid version of Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for mobile devices that would allow players to transfer their game progress to the new app ...