Arduino IDE on RasPi 3. vi and g++ on RasPi 3. OpenCV3 for thermography GUI development. Note: you have to install OpenCV3 on Raspi3. In my case, I built OpenCV3 on RasPi3 taking a half day. The ...
Arduino Sensor Interfacing (Flex sensor, IR Sensor, PIR ,BMP180, LM35, LM75 Refer below Tutorials for external sensor interfacing with Arduino - Visit for simillar projects at ...
I recently did tests with the IR sensor of a broken dvd player. The frenquencies of the signals are below 44kHz, wich means you can use the microphone input of your computer and audacity to record ...
The eMotion Ultra is a Home Assistant-compatible 60GHz mmWave radar presence sensor with a built-in IR blaster with a 15-meter range, a brightness sensor, and a temperature/humidity sensor. It is ...
hacked it in with an Arduino. The video does a wonderful job going into the details, but essentially by using an oxygen sensor with finer resolution (wide-band) and then outputting the appropriate ...