What Is Athlete's Foot? Athlete's foot, or tinea pedis (say: TIN-ee-uh PEH-dus), is a common skin infection that is caused by a fungus (say: FUN-guss). This fungus eats old skin cells. And plenty of ...
What Is Athlete's Foot? Athlete's foot is a type of fungal skin infection. Fungi (the plural of fungus) are microscopic organisms that thrive in damp, warm environments. They're usually not dangerous, ...
Athlete's foot can cause a range of symptoms including severe itching, blistering, cracking or peeling skin and redness. GP Dr Nisa Aslam, an adviser to the Skin Life Sciences Foundation (www.slsf ...
In these cases, drainage may be required. In some cases, athlete's foot can lead to complications. Mild complications can include an allergic reaction to the fungus, which can lead to blistering on ...
Athlete's foot can be an annoying condition to deal with, but there are ways to effectively treat it. The common fungal infection usually shows itself as itchy white patches between your toes as well ...
Athlete's foot can be an annoying condition to deal with, but there are ways to effectively treat it. The common fungal infection usually shows itself as itchy white patches between your toes as ...