Read more about this licence. Vol. 1 -- The bones, ligaments, joints, regions and muscles of the human body ; Vol. 2 -- The viscera including the heart ; Vol. 3 -- The nervous and blood vascular ...
Bock, Carl Ernst, 1809-1874. Translation of Hand-Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen.--6. Aufl.--Berlin : Verlag der Renger'schen Buchhandlung, 1870-1 Also published New York : Wood, 1879.
London: Mosby, £38.99, pp 378, softcover. ISBN 0723432120 Back in the late 70s, when Gray’s and Grant’s anatomy atlases ruled supreme for my vintage going through medical school, this text would have ...
Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy contains over 300 anatomy lessons on video using real, dissected human specimens. The specimens have not been embalmed and therefore retain the colour, texture ...
Inspired by his Jewish teachers, Indian-born physician Kalyanam Shivkumar wants Nazi-made anatomy atlas to become obsolete.
This site from the Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics in Medicine at the University of Hamburg displays images from the Voxel-Man 3D navigator atlas of anatomy and radiology. Perhaps the ...
A comprehensive atlas of the human hypothalamus ... to produce a detailed anatomical map of the human hypothalamus. This dual approach enabled high-resolution mapping of gene expression across ...
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