Yuri on Ice is a sports anime based on Mitsurou Kubo’s manga of the same title. Much like Banana Fish, this BL anime series is developed by MAPPA Studios. This story follows the adventures of our ...
From revolutionary K-dramas like “Love in the Big City” to quirky gems like Japan’s “Love is a Poison,” this year truly showed how far the BL genre has come and what fun is sure to come ...
From 'Girl Rules' to 'Cat For Cash', check out the most anticipated romantic Thai dramas that we cannot wait to watch in 2025 ...
There's a lot of pop culture media that could be satirized in Borderlands 4, but the game's best possible source of jokes may ...
When is the Borderlands 4 release date? The Borderlands series dates back to 2009, when the first game was released to PC and consoles. Over the last 15 years, the series has become so popular ...
One of Borderlands 4's most prominent features also has the potential to be one of its best, but it should nonetheless tread ...
A classic tradition is set to be maintained in Borderlands 4 as developers have confirmed support for a key feature.