King’s Bierhaus and the Egghaus sit along the edge of Shady Acres at 2042 East T.C. Jester Blvd. King’s Bierhaus has long ...
VINCENNES - Vincennes City Council approved the final reading of a resolution that moves forward with the Bierhaus Flats tax abatement in a 7-0 vote Monday evening.
It's really a fun day." MKE Destash Event at Bavarian Bierhaus "This is being held at the Bavarian Bierhaus this year," Herbst said. "It's a bunch of makers who come together and they're going to ...
The German-inspired festival featuring live music, games and, of course, plenty of beer, will begin at 11 a.m. outside Bierhaus Maisschaler on Eighth Street between O and P streets. "Bockfest is a ...