In Bleach, not all Soul Reapers achieve bankai, but for those without it, fans can only imagine the power boost it could ...
Bankai are always some of the most powerful and striking techniques in Bleach, and here's a breakdown of how every Bankai ...
Unlike other Soul Reapers, Yoruichi was more reliant on her physical abilities than using any weapons, or a Zanpaku-to to be ...
New anime original content in Bleach part 4 may include Hisagi's Bankai revealed for the first time, expanding on the manga.
Bandai Namco präsentiert einen weiteren Charakter-Trailer zu "Bleach Rebirth of Souls". Diesen solltet ihr euch unbedingt zu ...
Here's everything you need to know about Bleach Rebirth of Souls, from its release date, roster, and if you can play early.
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls stellt euch einen neuen Reverse Fate-Trailer vor. ​Der kürzlich veröffentlichte Reverse Fate-Trailer zu BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in das ...
Bandai Namco versorgt uns mit einem neuen Trailer zu "Bleach Rebirth of Souls". Diesen sollet ihr euch nicht entgehen lassen.