If you've ever been tempted to grow blueberries in pots, you're not alone. Often called a superfood, these small but mighty ...
Cinnamon adds sweetness without sugar and blueberries are a relatively low-sugar fruit. Honey tastes sweeter than sugar and you need just a spoonful. Briefly dip your teaspoon in very hot water to ...
Blueberries, Vaccinium corybosum, taste delicious whether eaten fresh or cooked. The bushes can be evergreen or deciduous and usually grow to about 1.5m high. They do well in pots and you can get ...
"In Peru, the soil is not right for blueberries," he says, as he kneels to show one of the hundreds of terracotta pots lined up in rows across his field. Blueberry bushes are grown inside them ...
For best results, blueberries should be grown in acidic soil, in conjunction with at least one pollination partner (they are often sold in threes). Blueberries are perfect for growing in pots and make ...