Of the many books on Paul published this year, Matthew Thiessen’s stands out. It offers a delightfully clear introduction to a way of reading Paul that is generating lots of discussion among New ...
Third, because the New Testament was written in Greek ... the same collection of books as the Protestant Old Testament, order the books according to the logic of these three sections.
Going to the 10th chapter of John’s gospel, in verses 1 through 14, we find Jesus referring to himself as the Good Shepherd, ...
These facts, along with Bowman’s evidence say that, in the end, no, Joseph Smith is not a prophet like the Apostle Paul and ...
Hundreds of books are also summarized annually. Now in its seventh decade, NTA, a publication of CSTM has become the definitive source on current literature devoted to research of the New Testament ...
Evidence of these fulfilled predictions can be found in several New Testament books. According to these biblical accounts, it appears that Jesus Christ truly fulfilled the role of the Messiah.
Het CTR bekijkt op uw verzoek of er een testament aanwezig is van de overledene. En welke notaris dit dan onder zijn beheer heeft. Het register geeft geen antwoord op de vraag wie de erfgenamen zijn ...
Stephen B. Chapman, Ph.D., associate professor of Old Testament at Duke Divinity School, has published a new edition of his watershed book The Law and the Prophets: A Study in Old Testament Canon ...