Reuse the Broken Pieces with Frosting While you can always repurpose the broken pieces into cake pops, there's another way that lets you have your cake and eat it too: stick it back together with ...
Instead of a baby rocker, the Redditor became the new owner of broken pottery pieces, a Brazilian handcrafted "A Christmas Carol" stein, a handmade piggy bank, a ship in a bottle, and a stuffed ...
In the 500 year old art of Kintsugi, which translates more or less as ‘joining with gold’, broken pottery is repaired with a seam of lacquer and precious metal. Trust the Japanese to ...
Kintsugi typically refers to the art of using lacquer to repair broken pottery pieces, but Freitas chose to apply the technique to common pieces of furniture, such as chairs, desks and ladders.
Translating to “golden repair,” Kintsugi involves repairing broken pottery with lacquer mixed with gold, silver or platinum. Rather than concealing fractures, Kintsugi celebrates them ...