FREE Shipping/No Service Charge on Eligible Items for one full year for Only $19.99. Automatically Renews for $29.99/Year after your first year. 2 preplanted Apple Blossom amaryllis bulbs Reclaimed ...
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How to Wax an Amaryllis Bulb
After receiving a waxed Amaryllis bulb at Christmas, I was instantly hooked! Over the holidays, it blossomed into a gorgeous focal point on my coffee table. As is my want, I wondered if this was a ...
Whether the first bulb or the fiftieth, there is high anticipation for the plant owner when the large, bright green bud emerges from a beefy amaryllis bulb! Amaryllis bulbs come in various sizes.
Waxed amaryllis are so easy to grow you don't even have to water them. Amaryllis bulbs are often grown around the winter holidays for their big, colorful flowers. But perhaps you've never seen a ...
Plants grown from bulbs lift the spirits during shorter ... "Prevent this by staking them with a cane in the compost and tying in the stem." You can buy decorative amaryllis supports from the Sarah ...
The bulbous plants hail from South Africa, and bear four to six large flowers on a tall, light green hollow stem. It's easy to force amaryllis bulbs to flower indoors over Christmas, and once they've ...