Add fragrance and beauty to a sunny spot by growing lavender in pots. Growing lavender in pots lets you enjoy this ...
Lavender symbolizes purity, tranquillity, and healing'. It's a relatively low-maintenance plant, but growing it in pots can make lavender plant care even easier. So, how exactly do you plant ...
Bringing home a lavender plant is exciting, but before you pop it into its new home, follow this rule to ensure your lavender ...
Keep pots well watered throughout spring and summer. There's no need to feed lavender plants in the border, as excess feeding can lead to leggy growth. Deadhead as flowers go over or remove all flower ...
So whatever the size of your plot, you can ... grow and heavy enough to balance the top-heavy growth. Make sure it has drainage holes and if you go for terracotta, buy good quality, frost-proof pots.
Mark’s “two most important” lavender tasks you can do in autumn are to tidy away ... as this will slow down the formation of woody growth, increase the longevity, maintain an attractive ...
Shade-loving plants should be grown in pots placed in shade. Ideally ... Avoid using garden soil as this is heavy and is likely to contain weed seeds which can out-compete your plants. If growing ...
While the individual varieties of lavender can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9, Myoporum does best in zones 9 through 11. So, if you garden anywhere within zone 9, you can certainly try ...