The two moths most commonly found in UK homes doing damage to natural fibres are the common clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella) and the case-bearing clothes moth (Tinea pellionella). It is the ...
They stand out among their peers because not all moths damage clothes. Only two species do—the casemaking clothes moth and ...
The size of the case varies from 1/6-¼ inch (4–6 mm) in length. Pupal stages range from 8–44 days. Adults do not eat and cause no damage. Adult webbing clothes moth can be found year-round in a warmed ...
Clothes moths are pests because they cause considerable damage to clothing, carpets and furniture in the home. Unlike most moths, they avoid light and prefer dark, undisturbed areas, such as closets ...
Clothes moths are pests because they cause considerable damage to clothing, carpets and furniture in the home. Unlike most moths, they avoid light and prefer dark, undisturbed areas, such as closets ...
Other ways to limit the damage they have in the home are vacuum-packing clothes, storing high-risk items in the freezer and switching to moth-proof carpets. Washing clothes at a high temperatures ...