If you have already earned credit for a college level math course, you are not required to take the math placement exam. Your transfer course will guide which course is right for you. Students ...
ALEKS is a fabulous resource for building a strong foundation for your next math course. ALEKS uses your initial assessment answers and AI to create a Prep and Learning module specific to you. The ...
What is the Math Placement Exam (MPE)? The MPE is a test that assesses a student's proficiency in mathematics and determines the appropriate math course for the student's skill level. The University ...
This repository contains university-level mathematics problem sets on various topics that I compiled when I was an undergraduate student and have now written in LaTeX. The exercises are not my own; I ...
It integrates and analyzes each student’s standardized test scores (if applicable), math course history (including college level math), and preparedness for each course. While ACT and SAT are not ...
Engineering courses at the University of Bristol are challenging and students without A-level Mathematics or equivalent have struggled in the past. To ensure that applicants are prepared to succeed, ...
Finding the best math course to match your skills. To better ensure student success, Kennesaw State University has adopted a math PPL ... it is reasonable to expect that there will be various levels ...
This course is intended for students who are not ready for or interested in the Pre-calculus/Calculus pathway their senior year but still want to continue developing their mathematical knowledge and ...
The College Board offers ... a strong foundation in mathematics early in their high school careers so that they perform better later in high school and in college-level math classes.
Proficiency requirements can be met based on the SAT, ACT, NYS Regents exams, CUNY’s proficiency index, or prior English or math college-level courses: Students with a 3-credit college-level English ...
90 or higher CPT College Level Math, completed Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trig (minimum grade of C, not C-, or exam credit), or completed Calculus I (minimum grade of C, not C-, or exam credit). Visit ...